The Smile Says It All

Lou Outlaw

In all my college and university years, I have had frequent conversations with professors but never with one who has had a camera in his hand since he was a kid. But Lou Outlaw got his first at maybe 6 years of age because he was captivated by an adult always bringing a camera to … Read more

Things I Wish I Had Known in 2007

Light bulb idea

Let me explain the “2007:” this was when I bought my first digital camera, a Canon 30D, and became, as we now describe it, “an enthusiast” photographer. I spent a lot of time and effort teaching myself and, in the process, produced predominately mediocre images. I have recently been looking back at these early digital … Read more

The Photographer’s Best Friend

Ed_Batsel-The Photographer’s Best Friend

Let me cut to the chase…the photographer’s best friend is another photographer! What I have in mind is the forming of personal relationships with other photographers that you and I should work at whenever and wherever possible. “Become a member of and participate in the activities of a camera club” appears frequently in presentations by … Read more

Pick a Project for Yourself and Your Camera; Just Do It!

Grave Site of Pinckney Hufstedler - Ed Batsel

The image you are viewing now is the grave site near Linden, TN of one Pinckney Hufstedler, a prominent local farmer. His family had grave sites for about 10-12 people in this small hilltop cemetery and had surrounded it with a limestone fence. Well, Brother Pinckney died in 1885 and his folks wanted to honor … Read more

How Do You Know That Your Photography Is Getting Better?

Radnor Lake - Ed Batsel-

This is the time of year when we’re approaching the New Year tradition of a little self-evaluation and goal setting. Some years I dabble a little in this, some years not, but always on the level of weight control or something about myself I would like to change. But I can’t recall ever doing this … Read more

Misconceptions Photographers Need to Give Up

Boats on the water - Ed Batsel

These words (or words close to these) make up the title of a recent webcast by Scott Kelby and Eric Kuna. Five areas where photography has changed dramatically were identified and discussed with the live audience. To me, these topics that were challenged got my creative juices flowing and I trust that this will also … Read more

Behind the Scenes

Behind the Scenes

This is the time of year when you and I are encouraged to identify things in our lives for which we are thankful. You know the drill. However, there are a host of things that have a life and an influence of which we are not normally aware. Behind the scenes, or behind closed doors, … Read more

How Well Do You Really Know Your Camera?

I am a devotee of reviews, books and tutorials that are camera-specific. About 6 months ago, after a lot of study, it dawned on me that I am virtually clueless as to what my current 3-year-old camera (Fujifilm X-T1 mirrorless) can really do! This eureka moment came because I paid special attention to how the … Read more

How to Become a Better Photographer: Guaranteed

How to Become a Better Photographer Guaranteed

Slow down!  Yes, that’s “all” there is to it. (But, for you to get the connection between the included photograph and the meat of this blog, you’ll just have to read to the end.) I guess I need to explain myself. I recently had a eureka moment; it dawned on me that, invariably, whenever I … Read more