Misconceptions Photographers Need to Give Up

These words (or words close to these) make up the title of a recent webcast by Scott Kelby and Eric Kuna. Five areas where photography has changed dramatically were identified and discussed with the live audience. To me, these topics that were challenged got my creative juices flowing and I trust that this will also be true for you.

1. MISCONCEPTION: “You must be a purist; never replace a sky, add a full moon, put into an image anything that your camera never saw.” 

This idea is now a thing of the past. Photography is an art and photographers, like a painter, should feel free to use whatever tools are available to interpret a subject for themselves. 

2. MISCONCEPTION: “It doesn’t matter what equipment you use; today’s products are so good that you can take a good photograph with any camera or lens.” 

That one is true, but only up to a point. When you run up against a wall and your equipment won’t do what you need it to do, it’s time to upgrade. Sometimes, what you own matters a great deal; sports, low light photography, building interiors, wildlife, and macro are some specialized areas that come to mind. It depends on where your interests lie, but if you aren’t properly equipped, you’re at a disadvantage.

3. MISCONCEPTION: “Don’t use presets, actions, plug-ins; you’ve spent all that money and time to learn to use Photoshop and do things on your own. Take advantage of the skills you took so long developing.”

Software has come a long way. Speaking as one who uses Lightroom and the new Luminar plug-in, I can attest to that, thanks to the introduction of Artificial Intelligence into both. Just one click on the “Auto” tone button in LR or the “AI” one in Luminar performs a miracle on any image. It is OK to use these.

4. MISCONCEPTION: “Move away from DSLR and switch to mirrorless if you want lighter equipment.”

This one is just NOT true when you compare the weight of current high end Nikon and Canon bodies with Sony mirrorless bodies; the difference in weight is virtually nil. It IS true, however, when you compare the DSLRs with Fujifilm, where bodies weigh less.

5. MISCONCEPTION: “The best way to get your photographs noticed is by using Facebook and Twitter.”

The fact of the matter now is that the best place to attract attention is, far and away, Instagram. This one surprised me personally.

Well, there you have it. At least you have the opinion of Kelby One. How about you? As for me, I have a confession to make; the full moon in the above image was not added. However, I went over to Photoshop and moved it from being very close to the roofline of the building up to where you could see it better. Software is wonderful, isn’t it?

3 thoughts on “Misconceptions Photographers Need to Give Up”

  1. Great points Ed. I might also add to the DSLR vs mirrorless discussion the effect the weight of FF lenses on the overall feeling of weightiness. If you use good f2.8 zoom lenses they are going to weigh a lot and their weight is going to make it hard to tell the difference between the 2 bodies weight-wise when held in your had.


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