
The Brentwood Photography Group encourages and promotes the growth of its members’ photographic skills through education, exhibitions, and fellowship.

If you’re looking for a thriving photography group where you can learn, grow, share, coach,… you’ll love our group. We look forward to you joining us at a forthcoming meeting.

November Photo of the Month Contest Winners

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Next Meeting

Light and Color for Images with Impact

Bill Fortney

Tuesday, February 5 at Otter Creek Church at 6:00 pm


Bill Fortney
Bill Fortney

Two themes that are important factors in creating images with real impact are knowing how to see and use light, and the use of color (and monochrome) to set off the subject.

Bill will walk through how to use these two critical factors in our photography.

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If you’re a member of the Group check out our Facebook page for members. There’s a stack of excellent photos and also information about events in an around Nashville.