Photoshop Instructions:
Note – These instructions are for slightly older versions of Photoshop and, as they say, there’s a million different ways to skin a cat, but they should work for most people. Please feel free to email our Webmaster if you need help
- Open your image in Photoshop and navigate to Image>Image Size
- Make sure that Constrain Proportions (PS2019 uses a padlock) and Resample Image fields are checked.
- Enter 200 into the Resolution field (Pixels/Inch)
- Enter 10 (inches) in either Height or Width field depending which dimension of your image is larger. The other dimension will automatically fill in.
- Click OK
- Your image is now sized at 2000 pixels along the longest edge.
- File > Save As, and provide a name such that you do not overwrite your original.
- Please take note of the size of the file that is produced – it needs to be less than 1MB, but closer to 500K is better.
Lightroom Instructions:
- Select your image while in Library Mode. Select Export (lower left corner).
- Export Location – Choose a location
- File Naming – Check Rename To and select Custom Name. Enter your First_Last Name into Custom Text.
- File Settings – Select these settings: Image Format – JPEG, Quality – 75, Color Space – sRGB, Limit File Size To: 500K
- Image Sizing – Check Resize to Fit and select Long Edge. Type 2000 in the box below and select “pixels”. Resolution is irrelevant.
- Output Sharpening – Tick Sharpen For and select Screen. Select Standard for Amount
- Metadata – Select Copyright and Contact Info Only
- Select Export (lower right corner)